Esharah highlights Security Solutions at Crime Prevention International Conference

Esharah Etisalat Security Solutions, experts in the field of wired and wireless Telecom Networks (TETRA & Public Safety LTE), and Security Solutions, will be showcasing their latest and innovative products designed for urban safety at the Crime Prevention International Conference (CPIC), taking place at 9th and 10th of December at the InterContinental – Festival City, Dubai.

The company will be showcasing the latest drone technology, a control room utilizing CAD technology; and Avigilon live PRO cameras equipped with multi sensors showing the appearance search feature supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Esharah will also be displaying the Avigilon Control Centre, their latest and most advanced version of Control Centre video management software which is designed to revolutionize how users interact with and gain situational awareness from their video security systems.

The company will also present CAD technology at their stand which can be used to record incidents. CAD technology, which typically consists of a suite of software packages used to initiate public safety calls for service, dispatch, and maintain the status of responding resources in the field, will be presented at the event through interactive demos highlighting incident management systems, crisis and mission management, resource management, mass notification system decentralized mobile center, tactical GIS system, dashboard supervision and reporting, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data acquisition and reporting generation system. CAD reduces response time in critical situations, optimizes assistance, and increases situational awareness.

Esharah’s latest drone technology makes use of Artificial Intelligence to enhance the drone’s capabilities, making them more smart and efficient. Machine learning algorithms play a key role in improving the drones safety, speed and accuracy over time as they are repeatedly exposed to increased data. The drones also have the ability to analyze visual input, in addition to using the input of sensors to add value and process information faster; an element critical in incident response.

“ Over the years, the UAE leadership has clearly demonstrated its unwavering commitment to advancing technological innovation with a focus on security. Esharah prides itself in being one of the forerunners in the field, aiming to develop products that ensure a more secure Emirates. CPIC event presents the perfect platform for us to highlight our interests, discuss future needs in the areas of security with key market players, while also promoting our diverse products and solutions. We aim to further initiate more innovative and effective solutions that enhance security measures, to ultimately create a safe connected world aligned with the UAE Vision 2021.” commented Ali Bahlooq, General Manager Esharah Etisalat Security Solutions.

من أجل اتصالات آمنة أثناء الحدث الأروع في العالم إكسبو 2020 يعلن “إشارة” الإماراتية مزودا رسميا لأمن الاتصالات

ستساهم المجموعة الإماراتية ‘إشارة للاتصالات والحلول الأمنية’ في ضمان سلامة الملايين من زوار إكسبو 2020 دبي والمشاركين فيه عبر توفير اتصالات آمنة للمتطوعين وموظفي الأمن وفرق الاستجابة للطوارئ.

واختيرت الشركة الرائدة في تكامل الأنظمة وتقديم أحدث الحلول الذكية لتكون مزودا رسميا لأمن الاتصالات في إكسبو 2020 دبي، حيث ستوفر شبكة آمنة ومشفّرة عبر جميع أجهزة الاتصال اللاسلكي المحمولة التي ستُستخدم خلال الحدث الأروع في العالم.

وقال محمد الهاشمي، الرئيس التنفيذي للتقنية في إكسبو 2020 دبي: “سلامة موظفي إكسبو 2020 وزواره وأمنهم غاية في الأهمية. وشراكتنا مع ’إشارة للاتصالات والحلول الأمنية‘ تعكس التزامنا بوعدنا بتقديم أحد أكثر الدورات ابتكارا في تاريخ إكسبو الدولي – وهي تتمم العديد من اتفاقياتنا الأخرى المصممة لضمان عمليات سلسة وآمنة منذ اللحظة التي سنفتح فيها أبوابنا للعالم في 20 أكتوبر 2020.”

وقال علي بحلوق، مدير عام ‘إشارة للاتصالات والحلول الأمنية’: “بصفتنا مزودا رائدا للاتصالات الآمنة في مختلف أنحاء دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، فإننا نفخر كثيرا بالشراكة مع إكسبو 2020 دبي – أكبر حدث يشهده العالم العربي على الإطلاق.

“إن قاعدة عملائنا البارزين – التي تشمل قطاعات أساسية من البنية التحتية لدولة الإمارات، بما فيها مطارات دبي، وموانئ دبي العالمية، وهيئة الطرق والمواصلات في دبي – تدل على أمان ما نوفره من حلول. ونحن متحمسون لتقديم هذه الخبرة لإكسبو 2020.”

‘إشارة للاتصالات والحلول الأمنية’، إحدى الشركات التابعة لـ “نداء – مؤسسة الاتصالات المتخصصة”، هي مزود شبكة الأمان لحكومة دبي، حيث توفر خدماتها عبر مجموعة واسعة من القطاعات، التي تشمل النقل العام، وإنفاذ القانون، والجمارك، والموانئ والأمن، والطيران.

وفي ظل مشاركة أكثر من 200 جهة وملايين الزوار، سيشكل إكسبو 2020 دبي منصة للتعاون الدولي والابتكار والشراكات الهادفة التي تساهم في صنع مستقبل أفضل للجميع. وسيستمر الحدث الدولي لمدة ستة أشهر من 20 أكتوبر 2020.

Nedaa to launch 4G LTE for mission-critical apps

Dubai Government entity to implement IoT into their networks this year

Dubai: Specialised communications provider Nedaa will roll out 4G long-term evolution (LTE) networks for private mission-critical operations in Dubai by end of year, a top official has told Gulf News.

Nedaa provides mission-critical operations and private network services for Dubai Government entities.

Mansour Juma Bu Osaiba, CEO of Nedaa, said phases one and two of the rollout would cover 45 base stations each and, by the end of the year, “We will have about 140 base stations to cover the entire Dubai.”

He said 4G LTE was previously available for commercial use but not for mission-critical use.

“It is difficult to get the bandwidth required to run mission critical applications on commercial networks. So, it has to move to the private networks to get the required bandwidth,” he said.

“The standard for public safety was released by 3GPP, with improvements to some features every year. We are ready for 5G in terms of infrastructure, the network needs minor fine-tuning but we have not yet got the spectrum allocated from the TRA,” he said.

The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is a global body that unites various standard development organisations and sets international telecoms standards.

Nedaa offers Tetra (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) for voice and broadband to government agencies, emergency services, police, fire departments, ambulance, defence, etc.

Bu Osaiba said that Nedaa is moving towards implementing internet of Things (IoT) in their networks in the fourth quarter of this year.

IoT refers to the growing network of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, which enables them to send and receive data over the internet. These devices can include clocks, smartwatches, cameras and home security devices.

“Dubai is at forefront of implementing smart transformation initiatives to enhance citizen experiences. We are showcasing a wide array of sensors, IoT and Machine to Machine (M2M) solutions to strengthen digitalised communications in the emirate,” he said.

Moreover, he said that the data collected from M2M, primarily used for service management applications, can be integrated with IoT devices to provide more streamlined services, intelligent systems and secure network communications that fully realise the competitive advantage for a smart city.

When asked about the security of IoT devices, he said: “When we designed our network, we designed it from a security perspective. Our network is private and not connected to external agencies. All the devices have to be pre-approved before getting into the network and security layer will be added on to the devices and to the network.”

Moreover, he said, Nedaa is studying the use of blockchain technology into its network as an additional layer of security measure.

“We are looking into where we can add blockchain — whether into the device or into the network,” he said.

Demand for IoT moving in a positive trend

There is growing demand for IoT devices from the individual side as well as from the institutions and the market is moving in a positive trend, an industry expert said.

Ali Bahlooq, general manager for Esharah Etisalat Security Solutions, a system integrator unit of Nedaa, said that they have solutions that cater to IoT while 4G and 5G are going to be an enabler.

Esharah is going to launch a shoe to track the movements of children and adults, and install a sensor on light bulbs to detect sunrise and sunset in a bid to diminish or increase the intensity of the light.

“The shoe is going to be made outside of the UAE and will be launched in the third quarter of this year. The solution is ready and the retail has to be through a government organisation,” he said.

Moreover, he said that there is also a proposition to have an IoT button or panic button for the elderly to have urgent medical attention.